Wednesday 16 November 2011

Vlad the Impaler

Vlad the Impaler (or Vlad Dracula to give his proper name) was a military leader in Transylvania who was also a knight of the Order of the Dragon- these people fought against the threat of Muslim Turks. His actions were pretty shocking, to say the least. He impaled hundreds of thousands of people, ranging from prisoners of war to anyone who he wanted to kill; basically he did this for fun. Perhaps this thrist for blood may have come from a bit of revenge for being used as collateral when his father made peache with the Turks? Regardless he was still a complete psycho- he was supposed to have drank the blood of his enemies (remind you of anyone?) and would dine next to his impaled victims and anyone who was disgusted at this would meet a similar fate. One day he even burnt to death thousands of people he saw as being a drain on his country's resources; he also had a cruel sense of humour, when two Turkish ambassadors refused to take of their hats (which was customary) Dracula had thier hats nailed to their heads so they need never take them off again. So all in all a sadistic maniac who you would definitely not want to meet in a dark alley.

Looking at Bram Stoker's Dracula and the real-life Vlad Dracula there are some close resemblances. For a start, they are both from Transylvania and both live in a 'Castle Dracula'. The (literal) thirst for blood is another comparison, but for the Count this is for survival, whereas Vlad was just insane. If anything, the reaserch I've carried out has found that Count Dracula is a really nice guy compared to his real-life counterpart. Sure, he may kill a few people and suck their blood, but he didn't exactly torture thousands of people for the sheer hell of it. 

Not to be confused with Vlad the Impala

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